Normative Legali

Terms And Conditions

This client agreement, together with any Schedule(s) and accompanying documents, as amended from time to time (hereafter the “Agreement”) sets out the terms of the contract between you and us.


  • I understand all such terms and that these Terms and Conditions, together with all policies are an inseparable part of a binding agreement between me and EX 64 (the “Agreement“).
  • I am over 18 and the information provided in this application is true and correct and that I will notify EX 64 of any material changes.
  • EX 64 may not be able to ascertain the appropriateness of any product to me, including due to lack of experience or undisclosed information.
  • I have entered full, accurate and truthful details, including my residential address and identity. EX 64 may at any time without limitation amend any of the terms set out in this agreement by posting such information on our website.
  • I confirm that I got an opportunity to trade on a demo platform and/or read a tutorial and I understand as a consequence how to trade and the RISKS that are involved. In addition I have read and understood the risks that are involved in trading in Forex.
  • By filling the Subscription Form I request and agree to open an account for myself and confirm that I have read and understood all policies and terms including the Risk Disclosure and Terms and Conditions.

PREAMBLE EX 64 offers access to its website and services to clients that accept the terms and conditions. By using the website you explicitly confirm that you have read these Terms and Conditions and agree to them. Our obligations are subject to any limits or restrictions which we may agree in writing, and any statutory, regulatory, legal or market requirements.

The following terms and conditions apply to all users and in case you require additional information on any of the subjects presented below, feel free to contact our customer support at any time. You must first read and then accept these Terms and Conditions in order to benefit of the best services provided by EX 64 and the agreement is effective upon acceptance. If you don’t agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the present agreement, make sure to inform us in writing. If EX 64 decides to make any amendments they will be posted online and in order to keep trading on the website, you might be asked to accept the new terms. In order to be eligible to operate your trading with EX 64 you must be over the age of 18 and to fully understand the risks involved.

You hereby acknowledge that you have the knowledge and experience to trade and understand the risks involved. We can’t be held responsible for any damage or loss and we are not responsible for verifying whether you possess sufficient knowledge or whether your trading choices are wise. The same conditions apply regarding legal restrictions. You should understand in full that trading; investments and similar operations are regulated in a different way, throughout the world. The fact that you can access our website and use the tools EX 64 offers doesn’t necessarily mean that it is legal in your country to do so. Users accessing this site are required to inform themselves about the jurisdiction restrictions of Estonian Governing laws and you are hereby declaring that the funds you are using for trading are not originating from any criminal activity or otherwise breach any law.

Do not abuse the license or services provided to you. By accepting the Terms and Conditions you will be granted a limited license, but you can’t deep-link to the website or copy and resell the materials appearing on EX 64. The information provided by us should be used entirely for executing transactions inside or within EX 64. Please note that closing or suspending your account due to a breach of the terms of service and explicitly the Acceptable Use Policy, may entail loss due to the closing of positions. Do not provide false or inaccurate information. The license granted will be terminated if we notice that the data you provide is not accurate and you will cease to access the services. You agree that EX 64 can terminate your access to any of the services offered for online trading at its sole discretion and with or without notice and close your transaction.

The present terms and conditions state that under no circumstances shall EX 64 or its employees be liable for lost profits or any kind of damage occurring during trading, due to connection to our website, including negligence. In any proven circumstance, the liability of EX 64 is limited to our last monthly commissions received of money you transferred or deposited in your trading account. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Preamble to these terms of service is inseparable part thereof and together with all company policies constitute a binding Agreement between the User and EX 64. You and any person making use of the Site are referred to hereunder as “User” and/or Client. By accessing, visiting and/or using this Site, any person so doing (hereinafter: “User”) unequivocally and unreservedly expresses his or her binding agreement to any and all of these Terms and Conditions, constituting a binding agreement between the User and EX 64, and undertakes to fully comply therewith. Any and all activity on, with and/or via this Site shall be governed by these Terms and Conditions.


Permitted Use:

Any User must be aged 18 or older and legally permitted to engage in usage of this Site under the Estonian Governing laws applicable to him/her. User represents that he or she has full legal capacity to enter into legally binding agreements. Users may not make commercial and/or serial and/or automated use of this Site. This Site strictly forbids any use of data mining, data gathering, bandwidth theft, offline browsing plug-ins and software and/or download and/or batch download or access and any access via any software except for the main common and official web browsers. Your Account and the Bank Account: Upon receipt of your application, we may carry out credit or other checks as we deem appropriate from time to time including without limit obtaining references from your bank, employer or credit agencies (if applicable). Credit reference agencies will record details of the search irrespective of whether your application proceeds or not. We reserve the right to carry out further credit checks at anytime whilst this Agreement is in force.

You acknowledge and accept that we may use credit scoring methods to assess your application. This may affect our decision on whether to accept the application or whether to alter the way in which your Account will operate. You must notify us immediately of any material changes to any of the information set out in your Application Form. In the event that your Application Form is accepted we will open an Account for you and provide you with a user ID and account number.

You must not disclose these details to any other person. In the event that you believe that these details are known by a third party then you will notify us immediately.

You will assist us in investigating any misuse of your Account. You confirm that we are not obliged to confirm or check the identity of anyone using or quoting your Account.

You confirm that we shall be entitled (but not obliged) to make any payments owed to you to one single account for all sums.

We may (but are not obliged to) agree to transfer monies to different Bank Accounts. Notwithstanding the fact that we agree to do so, we shall not be liable for any mistakes made by us in the amount transferred provided that the aggregate sum transferred pursuant to this Agreement is correct. Funds appearing on Clients’ account may include agreed or voluntary bonuses and incentives, or any other sums not directly deposited by the Client or gained from trading on account of actually deposited funds (“Non-Deposited Funds”). Please note unless otherwise explicitly agreed, Non-Deposited Funds are not available for immediate withdrawal. Further, due to technical limitations, Non-Deposited Funds may be assigned to Client’s account in certain occasions (for example, for the technical purpose of allowing the closing of positions or an indebted account). PLEASE NOTE

NON-DEPOSITED FUNDS, including profits gained on account of or derived of the same, are not Client’s funds. If a withdrawal of Non-Deposited Funds has been confirmed, EX 64 shall have full right to reclaim any and all such funds. Further Covenants: In addition to the above and without limiting the generality of this clause, you: Confirm that the Bank Account details are complete and accurate and that you will notify us immediately if these change and will provide us with such documentation as we request in respect of such revised Bank Account; Confirm that (unless otherwise agreed by us) the Bank Account relates to a bank account opened in your country of main residence; Acknowledge and accept that we are under no obligation to transfer any monies to or accept any monies from any account other than the Bank Account. Except in the case of fraud (that not includes fraud from a third party), we do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your trading on monies deposited in or credited to your Account in error by or upon our behalf. We reserve the right to close or suspend your Account at any time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Acknowledge explicitly that EX 64 has the right to change the amount of margin that is allowable per any trading due to market volatility, without prior notice. Multiple Accounts: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, if you have more than one Account with us, each Account will be treated entirely separately. Therefore, any credit on one Account (including monies deposited as margin) will not discharge your liabilities in respect of another Account unless we exercise our rights under this Agreement. Joint

Accounts/beneficiaries: If an Account belongs to multiple users or to a corporation, company, partnership or any other corporate body, all beneficiaries or signatories will be required to approve a withdrawal. Linking to this Site: Creating or maintaining any link from another site to any page on this site, without EX 64’ written permission is prohibited. Running or displaying this Site or any information or material displayed on this Site in frames or through similar means on another Site without our prior written permission is prohibited. Any permitted links to this Site must comply will all applicable laws, rules and regulations and ethical conduct on the internet. IP and Copyright Notice: All texts, graphics, sounds, information, designs, applications, content, source codes and object code files, and other material displayed on or that can be downloaded from this Site are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws and may not be used except as permitted in these Terms and Conditions or with prior written permission of the owner of such material (hereinafter: “information” or “data“). The information on this Site belongs to EX 64 or its respective affiliates and suppliers and may not be copied or used without prior approval. You may not modify the information or materials displayed on or that can be downloaded from this Site in any way or reproduce or publicly display, perform, or distribute or otherwise use any such information or materials for any public or commercial purpose. Any unauthorized use of any such information or materials may violate copyright laws, trademark, laws, laws of privacy and publicity, and other laws and regulations. Force majeure: Whilst we will endeavor to comply with our obligations in a timely manner we will incur no liability whatsoever for any partial or non-performance of our obligations by reason of any cause beyond our reasonable control including but not limited to any communications, systems or computer failure, market default, suspension, failure or closure, or the imposition or change (including a change of interpretation) of Estonian Governing laws or any law or governmental or regulatory requirement and we shall not be held liable for any loss you may incur as a result thereof. Without prejudice to the generality of this clause, the following events shall be considered as an event of force majeure: where we are (in our opinion) unable to maintain an orderly market as a consequence of civil unrest, terrorism, strikes, riots or power or communication failure; excessive volatility in the financial markets; suspension, closure or liquidation of underlying markets. Without prejudice to the generality of this clause, in the event of force majeure we will be entitled to: alter trading times; alter the Margin Requirement; close or cancel any open contracts/positions.


Certain trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos used or displayed on this Site are registered and unregistered trademarks, trade names and service marks of EX 64 and its affiliates. Other trademarks, trade names and service marks used or displayed on this Site are the registered and unregistered trademarks, trade names and service marks of their respective owners. Nothing contained on this Site grants or should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademarks, trade names, service marks or logos displayed on this Site without the written permission of Logins Security: It is your responsibility to maintain your Account at all such times. This includes ensuring that the required level of margin is in place. If you have more than one Account, this responsibility will relate to each Account separately, unless we have agreed otherwise in writing with you. Every person using a login (whether or not in fact such person is a duly authorized client) will be deemed to be authorized to enter into the system and/or (as the case may be) to give any other instructions or communications on behalf of EX 64 ’s client that is represented by the login according to the registration information provided by EX 64. EX 64 will act on such instructions without being obliged to obtain any further written or other confirmation, and, for the avoidance of doubt, the relevant transaction fees shall become payable.

Unlawful usage:You are prohibited from making any unlawful usage of this Site, and are informed and aware to the fact that in addition to these terms and conditions and any and all policies for usage of this Site, you may and are expected to be subjected to laws and regulations applicable in your or any relevant jurisdiction, including any promulgations related to gambling, securities, taxation and/or anti-money laundering. EX 64 does not encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law. In addition to any remedies that we may have at law or in equity, if we determine, in our sole discretion, that you have violated or are likely to violate the foregoing prohibitions, we may take any action we deem necessary to cure or prevent the violation, including without limitation, the immediate removal of the related materials and/or User from this Site. We will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order or subpoena requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting such materials. User undertakes that any and all information provided by him is true, accurate, complete and up-to-date. User undertakes to indemnify, defend and hold EX 64 harmless, as well as any and all of its subsidiaries, agents, employees and/or officers, against or from any liabilities, obligations, claims, debts, expenses etc., in any way connected with any misuse or abuse of the site, information or services provided or contained herein, including in particular (but not limited to) any breach of these Terms and Conditions and/or violation of any law whatsoever (including any violation or infringement of any third party rights) and/or any breach of any applicable third party terms and conditions;

No Warranties express or implied:

USE THIS SITE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE INFORMATION, MATERIALS AND SERVICES PROVIDED ON OR THROUGH THIS WEBSITE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. You must read the Risk Warning Notice and all the other documents supplied to you in connection with this Agreement very carefully. DO NOT submit the Online Application Form if you are unsure as to the effects of this Agreement or the nature of the risks involved. By clicking on the “Submit” button and submitting the Online Application Form to us, then you is acknowledging that you have read the documents supplied and that you understand and accept the terms of this Agreement. EX 64 and/or any or all of its subsidiaries, affiliated companies, agents, employees, lawyers, trustees, bankers and/or officers does not regulate and/or oversee and/or verify the information published on this Site, including articles, trading information, quotes, et cetera. Gett Option’s sole responsibility and endeavor is to facilitate trading and provide information and articles deemed useful. EX 64 shall not incur any liability, in any way, or otherwise bear any damages and/or expenses to any user or third party, except for return of last monthly fees (to the extent that such fees were actually paid to EX 64 ), and subject to the terms set herein. EX 64 shall not be liable to denial of service on any grounds, whether general, personal or specific. EX 64 shall not be liable in any way for information, software, products and/or services provided by third parties. The Site may be, at any time and at EX 64 ’s sole discretion, be off-line for maintenance or for any other reason, and service may be denied, temporarily and/or continually and/or indefinitely, of any person at no liability to EX 64 doesn’t guarantee that you will be able to access the website at any time and location and it doesn’t make any warranties with respect to the web site content. Without limiting the foregoing, EX 64 will not be held responsible for an impossibility of executing trading orders, due to letdowns in the operation of informational systems due to technical faults, which are beyond its control. Neither EX 64 nor any of its respective affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, employees and officers warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, materials or services provided on or through this website.

The information, materials and services provided on or through this website may be out of date, and neither EX 64 nor any of its respective affiliates makes any commitment or assumes any duty to verify, validate or update such information, materials or services. Except as explicitly set herein and under specific conditions, We DO NOT provide any advisory service. All transactions, investments and decisions are at your own discretion and risk. EX 64 and/or any or all of its subsidiaries, agents, employees and/or officers, does not assume any responsibility, or will be liable, for any damages to, or any viruses that may infect, your computer, telecommunication equipment, or other property caused by or arising from your access to, use of, or browsing this Site, or your downloading of any information or materials from this Site. In no event will EX 64 or any of its respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders, affiliates, agents, successors or assigns, nor any party involved in the creation, production or transmission of this website, be liable towards you or anyone else for any indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of use of this website, any websites linked to this website, or the materials, information or services contained on any or all such websites, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages. The foregoing limitations of liability do not apply to the extent prohibited by law in the event of any problem with this website or any content, you agree that your sole remedy is to cease using this website. If you are a registered user you may receive a return of fees received by EX 64 within the previous month with respect to services that were fully denied as a result of an act or omission by EX 64.

All claims against EX 64 shall become obselete within 12 months of the occurance giving rise to the claim. in the event of any problem with the information, products or services that you have purchased on or through this website, you agree that your sole remedy, if any, aside of the above said, is from the 3rdparty provider of such information, products or services. The above disclaimers means that EX 64 does not undertake to provide any service and/or any and all functionality on the Site. This also means if you believe you have any claim against EX 64 it should be presented with no delay and shall be null and void within 12 months of the first time it came to be. Revisions to these Terms and Conditions:

Without prejudice to the above, User acknowledges and accepts that EX 64 and its legal advisors are fully entitled at all times to amend, add to and/or revoke any and all of these Terms and Conditions, at its sole discretion, without giving User any notice thereof. Any such amendment, addition or revocation shall become fully effective and binding upon being posted on Site. You should visit this page to review the then current Terms and Conditions binding on you. Certain provisions of these Terms and Conditions may be added to or superseded by legal notices or terms located on particular pages of this Site. These terms and conditions have been last updated on May 25, 2018. This means that these Terms and Conditions may be reasonably amended from time to time by EX 64, and shall apply to any user immediately. EX 64 shall maintain a link to these Terms and Conditions on every page on the Site, and state the last date these Terms and Conditions were updated on. Termination: You or we may suspend or terminate your account or your use of this Site at any time, for any reason or for no reason. Except for the withdrawal of accumulated funds, you will not be entitled to any remedy for discontinuing the services, all subject to our WD policy and applicable laws and regulations. We reserve the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any aspect of this Site at any time without notice.

Additional Assistance: If you do not understand any of the foregoing Terms and Conditions or if you have any questions or comments, we invite you to contact us at any time. This means you should contact us beforehand if anything of these Terms and Conditions is unclear, unfair or unacceptable to you.

Our Commitment to Security and Privacy: To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place the appropriate and reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information.

Assignment to Third Parties: EX 64 is fully entitled to assign, grant, transfer or sublicense any and all of its rights provided for herein, including any rights with regards to information or data, wholly or in part, to any third party whatsoever. This means that the agreement between User and EX 64 on the terms set under the Terms and Conditions may be assigned, in full or in part by EX 64 , but not by the User. These privileges as well as the limitations of liability are EX 64 ’s one-sided prerogatives under these Terms and Conditions but this Site would not be feasible without them.

No Waiver: EX 64 ’s acquiescence to any breach of These Terms and/or failure to exercise any right provided for herein shall be without prejudice to EX 64 ’s legal rights and remedies, and shall not be held to preclude and/or debar it from exercising or seeking any of the same. Severability: Should any provision herein be deemed void or invalid by any court of law having proper jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed, and shall not in any way vitiate or detract from the effect and/or validity of any or all remaining provisions herein. This means that if a specific article in these Terms and Conditions is ruled by a competent court as unenforceable for any reason, then such ruling shall only apply to the respective specific articles or provisions and not to this entire agreement. How to

Contact Us: Should you have other questions or concerns, please contact us anytime. DEPOSIT AND WITHDRAWAL POLICY (WD POLICY) Trading in any investment opportunity that may generate profit requires EX 64 ’s customers to deposit money on their online account. Profits may be withdrawn from the online account. Deposits and withdrawals are regulated by this WD policy as well as the generally applicable terms and conditions. DEPOSITS You, the Client, have to perform all the deposits from a source (e.g. single bank account). If you want to start trading, you should make sure this account is in your country of residence and in your name. In order to certify that a SWIFT confirmation is authentic, it has to be sent to EX 64 to confirm the origin of the money which will be used for trading. If you don’t comply with this WD policy, you may be prevented from depositing the money via Bank/Wire Transfer. If you did not login and traded from your account within three (3) months, your Account will be subject to a deduction of 10% each month. WITHDRAWALS According to generally acceptable rules and regulations, withdrawals must be performed only through the same bank account or credit/debit card that you used to deposit the funds. Unless we agree otherwise, withdrawals from the Account may only be made in the same currency in which the respective deposit was made. In addition, when you deposit or withdraw money for trading purposes using alternative payment methods, you should be aware that additional fees and restrictions may apply. Withdrawals are subjected to withdrawals processing and handling fees. Those fees will be deducted from the transferred withdrawn amount. The fees schedule is available on EX 64 . Without derogating of the foregoing, EX 64 may execute withdrawals to a different facility than the one used for the deposit, subject to Anti Money-Laundering regulations. Furthermore, when it comes to withdrawals, Client may be required to present additional information and documents. NON-DEPOSITED FUNDS Funds appearing on Clients’ account may include agreed or voluntary bonuses and incentives, or any other sums not directly deposited by the Client or gained from trading on account of actually deposited funds (“Non-Deposited Funds“). Please note unless otherwise explicitly agreed, Non-Deposited Funds are not available for withdrawal. Further, due to technical limitations, Non-Deposited Funds may be assigned to Client’s account in certain occasions (for example, for the technical purpose of allowing the closing of positions or an indebted account). Without derogating from the abovementioned, bonuses issued to Client by EX 64 may only be withdrawn subject to execution of a minimum trading volume of 30 times the deposit amount plus the bonus issued (“Minimum Trading Volume“).

SUBMITTING A WITHDRAWAL REQUEST In order to process your withdrawal request, you must: Print the [withdrawal.pdf] form. Client will log in to his account through the website, click on withdrawal, fill up the information and fill up the withdrawal form. Sign the printed form. Send the form to us via e-mail as a scanned image (JPG, GIF, PNG, non-password protected PDF) to. All compliance documentation must have been received and approved by EX 64’s compliance officer in order to proceed with the withdrawal. Beneficiary Name must match the name on the trading account. Requests to transfer funds to third party will not be processed. Important: Account holder is required to monitor account regularly, and ensure that available margin exists in the account prior to submitting this request, as such withdrawal may have an impact on existing open positions or trading strategy used.

TYPICAL WITHDRAWAL PROCESSING TIME The time it takes for the money to reach your credit card or bank account that has been used to deposit funds may vary (usually up to five business days). Note that it might take longer for withdrawals to bank accounts due to the additional security procedures in force. The request will generally be processed by EX 64 within 2 to 5 working days of receipt. In order to avoid any delays please review your information carefully before submitting your request. EX 64 assumes no responsibility for errors or inaccuracies made by the account holder. Corresponding withdrawals will take 3 to 5 working days to process. EX 64 cannot monitor and is not responsible in any way for the Client’s Credit Card Company or bank’s internal procedures. Client must follow up with the credit card or respective bank independently. Funds are released to your credit account once your credit card merchant has debited the funds from our account. This process may take up to 2-14 working days or more to reflect on your credit card account balance. If you do not have online access to your credit card, it should appear on the next billing statement(s) depending on your card’s billing cycle. Please note clearly that we are not committed to any time frame and that any additional charges imposed by third parties shall be deducted from the deposit or the withdrawal, as applicable. Additional Charges: If the receiving bank uses an intermediary bank to send/receive funds, you may incur additional fees charged by the intermediary bank. These charges are usually placed for transmitting the wire for your bank. EX 64 is not involved with and nor has any control over these additional fees. Please check with your financial institution for more information. CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS For Credit card deposits, when you choose an account in a different currency than USD (United States Dollar), your credit card will be debited properly in accordance with amount deposited and the applicable exchange rates. In addition to the exchanged sum deposited, additional credit cards fees may apply (as a result, in such cases you may notice discrepancies between the sum of deposit and the sum charged on your credit card). Customers must accept these slight variations that can occur and won’t try to charge this back. If you have used a credit card to deposit money, performed online trading and decide to cash in on your winnings, the same credit card must be used. Amount of withdrawal per credit card is only allowable to an equal amount of money deposited per credit card or less. Greater amounts must be wire-transferred to a bank account. CURRENCY Your Account may comprise of different currencies.

These will be subject to the following conditions: We may accept payments into the account in different currencies and any payments due to or from us and any net balances on the account shall be reported by us in the respective currency; The account is maintained in PLN, US Dollars, Euro (“Base Currencies“) and any other currency will be converted at the exchange rate existing at the point of conversion (“Exchange Rate“); if the Client send funds in another currency than his account’s currency, we will apply an exchange rate to our discretion. We will generally settle trades or perform any required setoffs and deductions in the relevant currency where the account comprises such currency ledger, save that where such currency balance is insufficient, we may settle trades in any currency using the Exchange Rate. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Please note this policy cannot be exhaustive, and additional conditions or requirements may apply at any time due to regulations and policies, including those set in order to prevent money laundering. Please note any and all usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by EX 64 , at its sole discretion. For queries concerning policy matters, please contact us anytime.

RISK DISCLOSURE AND RISK DISCLAIMER POLICY EX 64 strives to provide its customers with the best tools for trading, including introductory guidance for the live trading environment. EX 64 does not manage or advise on investments. EX 64 allows you to trade in highly speculative investments which involve a significant risk of loss. Such trading is not suitable for all investors so you must ensure that you fully understand the risks before trading. You accept that the transactions you perform with EX 64 may involve financial instruments that are not: Traded on any stock or investment exchange; Readily realizable investments. Risks associated with the services include: All investment is subject to risk and the degree of risk is a matter of judgment and cannot be accurately pre-determined. Trading in Financial Instruments is generally regarded as involving a high degree of risk compared with other common forms of investment such as recognized collective investment schemes and debt and equity securities. We give no warranty or promise as to the performance or profitability of your Account with us or your investments or any part thereof. The value of investments and the income derived from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.

FOREX IS HIGHLY SPECULATIVE, CARRIES A HIGH LEVEL OF RISK AND MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL INVESTORS. CLIENT MAY SUSTAIN A LOSS OF SOME OR ALL OF CLIENT’S INVESTED CAPITAL; THEREFORE, CLIENT SHOULD NOT SPECULATE WITH CAPITAL THAT CLIENT CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE. CLIENT SHOULD BE AWARE OF ALL THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH TRADING ON MARGIN. CLIENT HEREBY CONFIRMS THAT HE IS KNOWLEDGABLE AS FOR THE ABOVEMENTIONED RISKS. Due to the high risk nature of trading, we explicitly do not make any EXPRESS OR IMPLIED warranties or guarantees that you will make any profit or that you will not lose any OR all of your DEPOSITED investments. Further, EX 64 is not responsible for the accuracy of information or content provided by third parties, including site and information linked to or presented in this website. Please note any and all usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by EX 64, at its sole discretion. There is a possibility that you may sustain a partial or total loss of your investment funds when trading. Even if you make money, you should be aware that the market can quickly turn. Never trade with more than you can afford to lose.

ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY [AUP] Important: You are hereby advised that any breach of this acceptable use policy or otherwise manipulating, abusing or exploiting EX 64 ’s online trading services offered to the public, may result in significant monetary and other damages to EX 64 and/or third parties, including other users and traders like yourself, and EX 64 shall be entitled to seek any remedy available to it hereunder or under law, including an injunctive RELIEF. Without derogating of the provisions of the following Acceptable Use Policy, any of the following activities are explicitly prohibited and shall be deemed fundamental breach of the Terms of Service Agreement: Unauthorized automated access to the services and systems. Latency exploitation in trading. Coordinated trade through multiple accounts (including trading in tandem). Any reverse engineering of the software or the services. Scope Of AUP

1.1. The AUP Applies To All Systems And Services Offered By EX 64 , Without Exceptions.

1.2. The AUP Applies To Everyone, Including All Clients, Users And Visitors (“User” Or “You“).

1.3. The prohibited activities and ]Uses Set Out In This AUP Are Not A Complete List. If you are unsure about any Contemplated Action You Should Contact EX 64 Immediately. Automated Access

2.1. You May Not Use, Under Any Circumstances, Any Software Which Automatically Accesses Or Operates OnEX 64 ’s Systems, Websites Or Systems, Unless Such Software Is Officially Provided By EX 64 . Prohibited Activities

3.1. EX 64 Shall Not Use, And Will Take Reasonable Actions To Ensure That No User Or Third Party Shall Use Its Systems In Any Of The Following Ways:

   3.1.1. Fraudulently Or In Connection With Any Criminal Offense.

   3.1.2. To Send, Knowingly Receive, Upload, Download, Or Use Any Material Which Is Offensive, Abusive, Indecent, Defamatory, Obscene Or Menacing, Or In Breach Of Copyright, Confidence, Privacy And/Or Any Other Rights.

    3.1.3. To Cause Annoyance, Inconvenience Or Anxiety.

  3.1.4. To Spam Or To Send Or Provide Unsolicited Advertising Or Promotional Material Or, Knowingly To Receive Responses To Any Spam, Unsolicited Advertising Or Promotional Material Sent Or Provided By Any Third Party.

   3.1.5. In Any Way Which, InEX 64 Reasonable Opinion, Is Or Is Likely To Be Detrimental To The Provision Of The EX 64 Service To The Company Or Any Of EX 64 ’s Or Its Shareholders’ And/Or Affiliates’ And/Or Directors And/Or Lawyers And/Or Trustees And/Or Bankers And/Or Customers And/Or Business And/Or Reputation.

    3.1.6. In Contravention Of Any Licenses Or Third Party Rights.

   3.1.7. To Attempt To Interfere With Any EX 64 Service To Any User, Host Or This Includes Without Limitation: Flooding Of Networks; DOS (Denial Of Service) Attacks Of Any Sort; Deliberate Attempts To Overload A Service And Attempts To Crash A Host; Any Attempt To Abuse, Manipulate Or Benefit Of An Error, Software Bug, Security Backdoor Or Breach, Latency Differences; Resale Of Services; Any Sort Of Automated, Cooperative Or Multi-User Operation (Explicitly Including Tandem-Trading) To Circumvent Or Exploit The Services Or Systems; For Transmitting E-Mails, Code Or Files Which Contain Computer Viruses Or Corrupted Data Or Trojan Horses Or Tools Which Compromise The Security Of Web Sites Or User Data. This Explicitly Includes Spyware And Malware Of Any Sort.

3.2. You Acknowledge And Agree That The List Of Prohibited Activities Set Out In Clause

2.1 Is A Non-Exhaustive List. EX 64 Reserves The Right To Cancel Any Deal And/Or Hold And Offset Any Funds And/Or Demand Any Fund Or Right Due To unacceptable Use Of Its Services, Taking Advantage Of Mistakes Or Abusing Its Systems.

3.3. You Will Not Allow Use Of The System Or Access To Any Person Who Is Not A Client And Will Not Copy, Distribute, Publish, Transmit, Display, Modify, Prepare Derivative Works Based On, Report Or Otherwise Use The System In Whole Or In Part For The Use Of Any Other Person.

3.4. The Trademarks And Logos Displayed On The System Are Registered Trademarks Of EX 64 And/Or Respective Persons. Any Use Of Such Trademarks May Only Be Allowed After The Written Consent Has Been Obtained. Network Security

4.1. You Shall Not:

   4.1.1. Violate Or Attempt To Violate EX 64 ’s Security Or Attempt To Interfere Or Interfere With EX 64 ’s Networks, Authentication Measures, Servers Or Equipment.

   4.1.2. Attempt To Circumvent User Authentication Or Security Of Any Host, Network Or Account Which Includes Accessing Data Not Intended To The Recipient, Logging Onto A Server Where Access Is Not Authorized Or Probing The Security Of Other Networks.

   4.1.3. Attempt To Gain Access To Any Account Or Computer Resource Not Belonging To You Through EX 64 System And/Or Services. Violation Of This AUP

5.1. EX 64 Shall Be Entitled To Take Organisational, Automated And Discretionary Measures To Ensure Compliance With This AUP And All Other Rules And Policies By All Users.

5.2. Any Right Of EX 64 Hereunder, Explicitly Including The Right To Impose A Sanction, Shall Not Be Deemed As To Obligate EX 64 In Any Way To Exercise Such Right (Or Impose Such Sanction).

5.3. Failure To Exercise Any Right Of EX 64 Herein Shall Not Be Deemed A Waiver Of Such Right, Including The Imposition Of A Specific Sanction.

5.4. EX 64 May Stop Any Person From Accessing The System And May Take Such Adequate Measures As EX 64 Deems Necessary To Prevent Such Access, If EX 64 Becomes Aware Of Any Circumstances Which Give Reason To Believe That A Login Is Being Misused.

5.5. If You Or Any Other Person Violate Any Term Of This AUP, EX 64 May, Without Notice To EX 64 And Without Any Liability To EX 64 And/Or Its Clients And/Or Any Other Party:            

    5.5.1. Require Clarifications, Authentications, Documentations Or Other Proof Or Details Relevant To An Investigation.

     5.5.2. Prevent Client Access To The System For Good Cause At Its Discretion.

   5.5.3. Repair, Rectify And/Or Rollback Client’s Transactions To Perform Restitution For And By EX 64 ’s Or Third Party.

    5.5.4. Offset, Deduct And/Or Confiscate Funds And/Or Information As Required At Its Discretion In Accordance With Law And/Or Any Court Order Or Instructions From A Competent Investigative Or Law Enforcement Authority.

    5.5.5. Suspend Or Terminate EX 64 ’s Use Of Its Systems And/Or Service; Or

   5.5.6. Take Any Action As It Considers Appropriate. For The Avoidance Of Doubt, The Exercise By EX 64 Of Its Rights Hereunder Will Not Require EX 64 To Compensate The User For Loss Of Access To The EX 64 System And Service.

   5.6. A Violation Of This AUP By A Person Having Only Indirect Access To The EX 64 Service Through You, Will Be Considered A Violation By You, Including Whether Or Not The Violation Was In With Your Knowledge Or Consent. You Are Responsible For Any And All Actions Of Its Clients To Whom It Directly Or Indirectly Provides Its Services.

5.7. EX 64 May Cooperate With System Administrators Or Other Network Or Computing Services Providers To Enforce This AUP Or A Policy Of Another Provider.

5.8. EX 64 May Involve, And Will Cooperate With, Law Enforcement If Criminal Activity Is Suspected. Additional conditions Please note this policy cannot be exhaustive, and additional conditions or requirements may apply at any time due to technological changes, experience, regulations and policies, including those set in order to prevent money laundering. This AUP is subject to change at EX 64 ’s sole discretion at any time and any change is effective when posted on EX 64 ’s website or otherwise made known to EX 64 Please note any and all usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by EX 64 , at its sole discretion. For queries concerning policy matters, please contact us at anytime.

Deposit And Withdrawal Policy

Trading in any investment opportunity that may generate profit requires EX 64 customers to deposit money on their online account. Profits may be withdrawn from the online account.

Deposits and withdrawals are regulated by this WD policy as well as the generally applicable terms and conditions.


You, the Client, have to perform all the deposits from a source (e.g. single bank account). If you want to start trading, you should make sure this account is in your country of residence and in your name. In order to certify that a SWIFT confirmation is authentic, it has to be sent to EX 64 to confirm the origin of the money which will be used for trading. If you don’t comply with this WD policy, you may be prevented from depositing the money via Bank/Wire Transfer. If you did not login and traded from your account within six (6) months (“Dormant Account”), your Dormant Account will be subject to a deduction of 10 % each month (the “Dormant Fee”).


According to generally acceptable AML rules and regulations, withdrawals must be performed only through the same bank account or credit/debit card that you used to deposit the funds.

Unless we agree otherwise, withdrawals from the Account may only be made in the same currency in which the respective deposit was made.

In addition, when you deposit or withdraw money for trading purposes using alternative payment methods, you should be aware that additional fees and restrictions may apply. Withdrawals are subjected to withdrawals processing and handling fees. Those fees will be deducted from the transferred withdrawn amount. The fees schedule is available on EX 64

Without derogating of the foregoing, EX 64 may execute withdrawals to a different facility than the one used for the deposit, subject to Anti Money-Laundering regulations.

Furthermore, when it comes to withdrawals, Client may be required to present additional information and documents.

Withdrawals Fees

Withdrawals will be charged a transaction fee of the following:

50.00 USD/GBP/EURO for wire transfers; 25.00 USD/GBP/EURO for credit cards plus a processing fee of 10.00 USD/7.00 EUR/5.00 GBP; 25.00 USD/GBP/EURO for ePayments. A levy of 10% of the withdrawal amount will be charged to any withdrawal from an account that has not executed more than 200 in turnover and/or from accounts that have not been verified.

Minimum withdrawal for wire transfers is 250.00 USD/GBP/EURO. Minimum withdrawal on any other method is 100.00 USD/GBP/EURO. Note that these charges exclude the transaction fee imposed; for instance, if a minimum of $250 is to be withdrawn by bank wire transfer, a transaction fee of $50 will be charged.

Fees may change depends on the processing system and/or bank of EX 64.

Non-Deposited Funds

Funds appearing on Clients’ account may include agreed or voluntary bonuses and incentives, or any other sums not directly deposited by the Client or gained from trading on account of actually deposited funds (“Non-Deposited Funds”). Please note unless otherwise explicitly agreed, Non-Deposited Funds are not available for withdrawal. Further, due to technical limitations, Non-Deposited Funds may be assigned to Client’s account in certain occasions (for example, for the technical purpose of allowing the closing of positions or an indebted account).

Without derogating from the abovementioned, bonuses issued to Client by EX 64 may only be withdrawn subject to execution of a minimum trading volume of 25 times the deposit amount plus the bonus issued (“Minimum Trading Volume“).

Submitting A Withdrawal Request

In order to process your withdrawal request, you must:

  • Open a withdrawal request from client area.
  • Print the [withdrawal.pdf] form. Client will log in to his account through the website, click on withdrawal, fill up the information and fill up the withdrawal form.
  • Sign the printed form.
  • All compliance documentation must have been received and approved by EX 64 compliance officer in order to proceed with the withdrawal.
  • Beneficiary Name must match the name on the trading account. Requests to transfer funds to third party will not be processed.


Typical Withdrawal Processing Time

The time it takes for the money to reach your credit card or bank account that has been used to deposit funds may vary (usually up to five business days). Note that it might take longer for withdrawals to bank accounts due to the additional security procedures in force.

The request will generally be processed by EX 64 within 2 to 5 working days of receipt. In order to avoid any delays please review your information carefully before submitting your request. EX 64 assumes no responsibility for errors or inaccuracies made by the account holder. Corresponding withdrawals will take 3 to 5 working days to process. EX 64 cannot monitor and is not responsible in any way for the Client’s Credit Card Company or bank’s internal procedures. Client must follow up with the credit card or respective bank independently.

Funds are released to your credit account once your credit card merchant has debited the funds from our account. This process may take up to 2-14 working days or more to reflect on your credit card account balance. If you do not have online access to your credit card, it should appear on the next billing statement(s) depending on your card’s billing cycle.

Please note clearly that we are not committed to any time frame and that any additional charges imposed by third parties shall be deducted from the deposit or the withdrawal, as applicable.

Additional Charges: If the receiving bank uses an intermediary bank to send/receive funds, you may incur additional fees charged by the intermediary bank. These charges are usually placed for transmitting the wire for your bank. EX 64 is not involved with and nor has any control over these additional fees. Please check with your financial institution for more information.

Credit/Debit Cards

For Credit card deposits, when you choose an account in a different currency than USD (United States Dollar), your credit card will be debited properly in accordance with amount deposited and the applicable exchange rates. In addition to the exchanged sum deposited, additional credit cards fees may apply (as a result, in such cases you may notice discrepancies between the sum of deposit and the sum charged on your credit card). Customers must accept these slight variations that can occur and won’t try to charge this back.

If you have used a credit card to deposit money, performed online trading and decide to cash in on your winnings, the same credit card must be used.

Amount of withdrawal per credit card is only allowable to an equal amount of money deposited per credit card or less. Greater amounts must be wire-transferred to a bank account.


Your Account may comprise of different currencies. These will be subject to the following conditions:

We may accept payments into the account in different currencies and any payments due to or from us and any net balances on the account shall be reported by us in the respective currency; The account is maintained in US Dollars, Euro or GB Pounds (“Base Currencies”) and any other currency will be converted at the exchange rate existing at the point of conversion (“Exchange Rate”); if the Client send funds in another currency than his account’s currency, we will apply an exchange rate to our discretion.

We will generally settle trades or perform any required setoffs and deductions in the relevant currency where the account comprises such currency ledger, save that where such currency balance is insufficient, we may settle trades in any currency using the Exchange Rate.

Additional Conditions

Please note this policy cannot be exhaustive, and additional conditions or requirements may apply at any time due to regulations and policies, including those set in order to prevent money laundering. Please note any and all usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by EX 64 , at its sole discretion.

For queries concerning policy matters, please contact us anytime.

Refund and Return policy

The Refund Policy has been developed for the purpose of reducing the Company’s financial and legal risks of the Company, as well as observing principles of anti-money laundering and counter terrorist activity.

The Company has the right to unilaterally block the access to the Secure Client Area, suspend trading activity of any accounts held by the Trader, cancel a request for transfer/ withdrawal, or make a refund, if the source of funds or the Client’s activities contradict the anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing policy.

The Company does not cancel the implemented trade transactions, therefore the Company has the right to return the funds to the remitter, if within one month from the date of recharge, no trading activity has been recorded on the trading accounts.

The Company has the right, under certain objective reasons and, if it is necessary, to make a refund of funds received via any payment system including credit/debit cards. Furthermore, the refund will be made to electronic wallets and bank details, which have been used by the Client when paying in the funds.

Should the Company classify the activities of the Client as inappropriate or contradicting the usual purpose of the Company’s services usage, where there is a direct, or indirect, illegal or dishonest intent, the Company reserves the right to act within the framework of this document, without informing the Client in advance. All direct or indirect losses; expenses connected with transfer of funds are reimbursed to the Company from the Client’s funds.

When replenishing a trade account with any card (e.g.: credit card, debit card, prepaid card), the Client agrees not to lodge a request to the bank to charge back the payment which has already been credited to the trade account or to the provider of a credit/debit bank card, both during and after the use of the Company’s services. Any such attempt will be treated by the Company as a breach of the Terms for the provision of services, for which the Client may be subjected to responsibility in accordance with national legislation. If the Company still withdraws the transaction payment back, we reserve the right to block the access to the Secure Client Area, freeze the Client’s current balance and send the monetary funds back to the account of the Client, after payment of all services and fees.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

brandname does not tolerate money laundering and supports the fight against money launderers. brandname  follows the guidelines set by the UK’s Joint Money Laundering Steering Group. The UK is a full member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the intergovernmental body whose purpose is to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

brandname  now has policies in place to deter people from laundering money. These policies include:

ensuring clients have valid proof of identification maintaining records of identification information

determining that clients are not known or suspected terrorists by checking their names against lists of known or suspected terrorists

informing clients that the information they provide may be used to verify their identity

closely following clients’ money transactions

Not accepting cash, money orders, third party transactions, exchange houses transfer or Western Union transfers.

Money laundering occurs when funds from an illegal/criminal activity are moved through the financial system in such a way as to make it appear that the funds have come from legitimate sources.

Money Laundering usually follows three stages:

firstly, cash or cash equivalents are placed into the financial system

secondly, money is transferred or moved to other accounts (e.g. futures accounts) through a series of financial transactions designed to obscure the origin of the money (e.g. executing trades with little or no financial risk or transferring account balances to other accounts)

And finally, the funds are re-introduced into the economy so that the funds appear to have come from legitimate sources (e.g. closing a futures account and transferring the funds to a bank account).

Trading accounts are one vehicle that can be used to launder illicit funds or to hide the true owner of the funds. In particular, a trading account can be used to execute financial transactions that help obscure the origins of the funds.

brandname directs funds withdrawals back to the original source of remittance, as a preventative measure.

International Anti-Money Laundering requires financial services institutions to be aware of potential money laundering abuses that could occur in a customer account and implement a compliance program to deter, detect and report potential suspicious activity.

These guidelines have been implemented to protect brandname  and its clients.

For questions/comments regarding these guidelines, please contact us at support@domainname

What is Money Laundering?

Money laundering is the act of hiding money obtained illegally, so the source appears legitimate. We adhere to strict laws rendering it illegal for us or any of our employees or agents to knowingly engage in or attempt to engage in any activities remotely related to money laundering. Our anti-money laundering policies increase investor protection and client security services, as well as offer safe payment processes.


The first safeguard against money laundering is sophisticated Know-Your-Client (KYC) verification. To ensure compliance with standard AML regulations, we require you to submit the following documentation:

  • Proof of Identification: A clear copy of the front and back of your government-issued photo ID, i.e. a valid passport, driver’s license, or national ID card.
  • Proof of Residence: An official document issued within the last 3 months, clearly stating your name and address as registered with brandname. This can be a utility bill (i.e. water, electric, or landline), or bank statement. Please make sure your copy includes:
  • Your full, legal name
  • Your full residential address
  • Date of issue (within the last 3 months)
  • Name of the issuing authority with an official logo or stamp
  • Copy of the front and back of your credit card: To ensure your privacy and security, only the last 4 digits of your credit card must be visible. You can also cover the last 3 digits on the back of your card (CVV code).

Please note that regulatory requirements differ in certain countries and we may need to request further documentation from you.


We do not accept third-party payments. All deposits must be made in your own name and match the KYC documents submitted. Due to AML regulatory policies, all funds withdrawn must be returned to the exact source from which they were received. This means that funds originally deposited via bank transfer will be returned to the same account when a withdrawal request is made. Equally, if you deposited via credit card, your funds will be returned to the same credit card when a withdrawal request is made.

We do not, under any circumstances accept cash deposits or disburse cash when requests for withdrawal are made.


AML regulation requires us to monitor and track suspicious transactions and report such activities to the relevant law enforcement agencies. We also reserve the right to deny a transfer at any stage if we believe the transfer to be connected in any manner to criminal activity or money laundering. The law prohibits us from informing customers about reports submitted to law enforcement agencies concerning suspicious activity.



The purpose of the Risk Disclosure Statement (“the Statement”) is to provide the Client appropriate guidance on the nature and risks of the specific types of financial instruments offered by EX 64 (hereafter the “Company”).

The Client acknowledges, understands and agrees with the risks, disclosed below.

2.Legal Framework

This Statement is based on the provisions of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007 (No. 144(I)/2007), implementing Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Markets in Financial Instruments (“MiFID”). It should be noted that this Statement does not purport to disclose, or discuss all of the risks and other significant aspects of all transactions entered into with or through the Company. We outline the general nature of the risks of dealing in Financial Instruments on a fair and non-misleading basis. Therefore you need to ensure that your decision is made on an informed basis and as a minimum you should be taking into consideration all the following disclosed below.


  1. Trading is very speculative and risky. Contracts for Difference (‘CFDs’) are complex financial products, most of which have no set maturity date. Therefore, a CFD position matures on the date you choose to close an existing open position. CFDs, which are leveraged products, incur a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all of your invested capital. Trading in CFDs is highly speculative and therefore is suitable only for those Clients who (a) understand and are willing to assume the economic, legal and other risks involved, (b) are financially able to assume the risk of losses up to their invested capital and (c) understand and are knowledgeable about CFDs and the underlying assets. The Client represents, warrants and agrees that he/she understands these risks, is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risks of trading in CFDs. Before deciding to trade, a client should ensure that he understands the risks involved and take into account his level of experience, and if necessary seek independent advice. The Client is responsible for all the losses suffered in his account. Consequently, the Client should be prepared to lose all the invested capital.
  1. Risks Associated with Transactions in CFDs When trading in CFDs you need to take into account the following main risks:
  • CFDs are leveraged products; therefore, they carry a higher level of risk to your capital compared to other financial products and may result in the loss of all of your invested capital. However, it should be noted that the Company operates on a ‘negative balance protection’ basis; this means that you cannot lose more than your initial investment.
  • The value of CFDs may increase or decrease depending on market conditions, and the potential for profit should be balanced alongside the significant losses that may be generated over a very short period of time when trading CFDs.
  • CFD trading, unlike traditional trading, enables you to trade the markets by paying only a small fraction of the total trade value. However, this entails that a relatively small market movement may lead to a proportionately much larger movement in the value of your position. The Company offers flexible leverage starting from 1:1 to 1:300.
  • The Client needs to make sure that he has sufficient margin in his trading account, at all times, in order to maintain an open position. In addition, the Client needs to continuously monitor any open positions in order to avoid positions being closed due to the unavailability of funds; it should be noted that the Company is not responsible for notifying you for any such instances.
  1. Conflicts of Interests. The Company is the counterparty to all transactions entered into under the Client Agreement and, as such, the Company’s interests may be in conflict with the Client’s. The Conflicts of Interest Policy is available at the Company’s website.
  1. Prices are set by the Company and may be different from prices reported elsewhere. The Company will provide the prices to be used in trading and valuation of the Client’s positions in accordance with its Trading Policies and Procedures. As such, they may not directly correspond to real time market levels at the point in time at which the sale of options occurs.
  1. Rights to Underlying Assets. The Client have no rights or obligations in respect of the underlying instruments or assets relating to the CFDs.
  1. Telephone Orders and Immediate Execution. Market orders executed over the telephone through the Company’s Dealing Room are completed when the Company’s telephone operator says “deal” or “done” following the Client’s placing of an order. Upon such confirmation of the telephone operator, the Client has bought or sold and cannot cancel the order. By placing orders through the Company’s Dealing Room, the Client agrees to such immediate execution and accepts the risk of this immediate execution feature.
  1. The Company is not an adviser or a fiduciary to customer. Where the Company provides generic market recommendations, such generic recommendations do not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice and do not consider any of the Client’s personal circumstances or investment objectives, nor is it an offer to trade, or the solicitation of an offer to trade, in any CFD. Each decision taken by the Client to trade in CFDs with the Company and each decision as to whether a transaction is appropriate or proper for the Client is an independent decision made by the Client. The Company is not acting as an advisor or serving as a fiduciary to the Client. The Client agrees that the Company has no fiduciary duty to the Client and no liability in connection with and is not responsible for any liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred in connection with the Client following the Company’s generic trading recommendations or taking or not taking any action based upon any generic recommendation or information provided by the Company.
  1. Recommendations are not guaranteed. The generic market recommendations provided by the Company are based solely on the judgment of its personnel and should be considered as such. The Client acknowledges that it enters into any transactions relying on his/her own judgment. Any market recommendations provided are generic only and may or may not be consistent with the market positions or intentions of the Company and/or its affiliates. The generic market recommendations of the Company are based upon information believed to be reliable, but the Company cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness thereof or represent that following such generic recommendations will reduce or eliminate the risk inherent in trading CFDs.
  1. No guarantees of profit. There are no guarantees of profit nor of avoiding losses when trading in CFDs. The Client has received no such guarantees from the Company or from any of its representatives. The Client is aware of the risks inherent in trading CFDs and is financially able to bear such risks and withstand any losses incurred.
  1. Risks
  2. Technical Risks
  • Internet Trading. When the Client trades online (via the internet), the Company shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses, caused, directly or indirectly, by any malfunction or failure of any transmission, communication system, computer facility or trading software, whether belonging to the Company, the Client, any exchange or any settlement or clearing system.
  • Telephone Orders. The Company is not responsible for disruption, failure or malfunction of telephone facilities and does not guarantee its telephone availability. For the avoidance of doubt, the Client is aware that the Company may not be reachable by telephone at all times and thus the Client can place his orders through online access to the Company’s Trading Platform.
  1. Market Conditions. The Client acknowledges that under Abnormal Market Conditions the Company may be unable to execute the Client’s instructions and therefore the period during which the Instructions and Requests are executed may be extended.
  1. Communication.
  • The Company bears no responsibility for any loss that arises as a result of delayed or unreceived communication sent to the Client by the Company.
  • The Company bears no responsibility for any loss that arises as a result of encrypted information sent to the Client by the Company, that has been accessed via unauthorised means.
  • The Company bears no responsibility for any unreceived or unread internal messages sent to the Client through the trading platform(s); in case a message is not received or read within 3 (three) calendar days, the message gets automatically deleted.
  • The Client is solely responsible for the privacy of any information contained within the communication received by the Company.
  • The Company has no responsibility regarding any loss as a result of authorized/unauthorised access to all information between the Company and the Client by third persons.
  1. Force Majeure Event. In case of a Force Majeure Event the Client shall accept the risk of any loss arising.
  2. Taxes. The Client shall make sure that investing in CFDs is not subject to tax and/or any other duty in the Client’s jurisdiction. The Client is responsible for any taxes and/or any other duty which may accrue in respect of his trades.
  1. Costs, Swap Value and Other Considerations. Prior to investing in CFDs the Client needs to be aware of any costs involved, such as spread(s), commission(s) and swap(s). For the purposes of this Statement, a swap means the interest added or deducted for holding a position open overnight. The swap for a position opened on Wednesday and held open overnight is three times that of other days; the reason for this is that the value date of a trade held open overnight on a Wednesday would normally be Saturday, but since banks are closed, the value date is Monday and the client incurs an extra 2 (two) days of interest. From Friday to Monday swap is charged once.
  1. Expiry System Errors. In case the expiry system fails for any reason, it will auto detect un-expired options and expire them in accordance to the rates stored historically in the archive. If any position did not expire on time, the system will issue a notification to Risk Manager and Compliance Officer, detailing all position information, in order to be resolved manually.



By accessing, visiting, or using this website or any other webpage thereon, you inevitably and unreservedly express your binding agreement to any and all of these terms stated below.

  • Your privacy is the utmost important. This privacy policy displays how we collect information regarding website users, what we use it for, and what you can do to protect your privacy.
  • This policy applies to all information collected and submitted on our website. You may be permitted to execute financial transactions, make requests, submit data, and register to receive materials etc. Specific personal information that may be collected on our website can include the user’s name, residential address, e-mail address, contact numbers, bank account and credit card number etc. whether regarding yourself, or to a third party, where you act on behalf of such party. Information from multiple sources may be combined by our website. You can update part of your personal information regularly by accessing your site account and proceed according to the “updating your information” instructions given. You hereby confirm that you have been made aware of the fact that due to legal requirements some of your information may not be changed.
  • The website may also retrieve other types of information, as logged by our website’s servers, including your IP address, browser type and language, and the date and time of your visit, in order to implement certain user trends or to block certain users from accessing our website. This being said, our website may assign your computer one or more cookies which may retrieve information in order to accommodate access to the website, to personalize your online experience, and to use standard or non-standard internet tools, such as web beacons or monitoring programs, which collect information that tracks your use of the website and enables it to customize our services and promotions.
  • Personal information given to us by you shall not be disclosed to any third party without your prior consent, unless such information
  • a. Is required to be disclosed to related companies of ours
  • b. was publicly known to us made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by you.
  • c. Becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by you to us through no action or inaction of us.
  • d. Is required to be disclosed by law or regulation, in which case we will give you as much notice as possible of the proposed disclosure as is practical (including a copy of any written request) in order to allow you to limit or restrict such disclosure.
  • e. Is furnished or made known to us by a third party otherwise than in breach of any of our confidentiality obligations hereunder; is independently developed by us without reference to the information disclosed by you or was known to us, without restriction, at the time of disclosure by you, as shall be shown and evidenced by written documents.
  • f. Is required to be disclosed in order for us to protect our rights.
  • In order to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
  • To protect child privacy, we never knowingly collect or maintain information from users under the age of 18; no part of our website is designed to attract anyone under 18 years old. 8 At your request, you may choose and ask not to receive emails newsletters from the website, and delete or decline cookies by changing your browser settings.
  • At your request, you may choose and ask not to receive emails newsletters from the website, and delete or decline cookies by changing your browser settings.